Monday, September 13, 2010

Menswear Review: Rag & Bone and Tim Hamilton

On the event), it was the Rag & Bone show. Everyone was present, and on the edge of their seats.

The results have been mixed. David Neville and Marcus Wainwright have moved from the city center and more towards the punky yearâ € ™ s obsession everywhere: work clothes. Thatâ € ™ s right, overalls! Raw indigo denim overalls, to be precise. And hello John Henry was just beginning: first chambrays indigo denim, coats, overalls, and a poncho monitoring.

But the strongest songs has nothing to do with jeans, like wool black jacket and white silk herringbone engine and matching trousers, a blazer and red silk.

True to its simple roots and streamlined, Rag & Bone is moving forward in some surprising directions and sometimes good. If Iâ € ™ m not totally on board, Iâ € ™ ll be interested to see where this training is directed.

Rag & Bone And if I was a bit rough and dry, Tim Hamilton Redux celebrated something closer to Rough Trade in a collection that has been difficult, grungy and both smooth and silent . Hamilton went for a look nineties â € œearly life on the terraces of Warsawa € ™ s concrete blocks, nattily update to the € New York-Paris-Tokyo standard.â??

Do boy meets Lech Walesa at the top of the rent-crumbling wall Berlin. Or something.

And yet, despite the difficult external, thereâ € ™ s light here: tee-shirt and fitted pants, one-button wool blazer light that might suit your sexy professor and a trench was downright green Natty .

Like almost everyone this season, there was the tunic fact that I hardly see any guy is from New York to Warsaw, regardless Heâ € ™ released s feelings.

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